Monday, March 28, 2011

The Relationship Exogen With Secondary Sexual Development in Male Students In SLTP Negeri 5 Lahat District

Adolescence is a period of transition childhood to the adult. At this time there will be a physical change (organoleptic), mental and psychosocial that will impact on the next aspects of life. Secondary sexual development in influenced by two factors, namely factors endogen and factors exogen. Endogen factors, among others, that while genetic and horm factors include exogen nutrient status, environment, mass media, earnings, education ang health degree as a whole.
Goal of this research is to know the relation between exogen factors with the development of secondary sexual in the male students in SLTP Negeri 5 Lahat District 2009.
Type of research is conducted using design research with a descriptive analytical approach sectional cross. Number of population in this research is all boys class VII, VIII and IX 568 people. Sampling is done in a way that is sistematic Random Sampling of the 85 male students. Variables examined are education of parents, family income, nutritional status (independent variabel) while the dependent variable, namely the development of secondary sexual (wet dreams, voice changes, pimply face). Instruments used in this researh is the questionnaire and microtoise. Primary data collected through direct interviews with the respondents through the questionnaire. Secondary data as the data that support or complement. Data processing is done with the computer. Analysis of the data analysis is used univariat and analysis bivariat. Test statistics used, namely using Chi Square.
The result of research shows that parents education level is high and the respondents had experienced a wet dream as much as 67,0 % greater than in the education of parents is low and the respondents had experienced a wet dream that is as much as 10,6 %, education of parents of respondents and changes in the voice of 65,9 %, education of parents of respondents had experienced high and pimpled face was 68,2 % . Income parents and the respondents had experienced a wet dream as much as 65,9 %, income parents of respondents and changes in the voice of 67,1 % , the income of parents of respondents had experienced high and pimpled face was 71,8 %. Normal nutritional status and the respondents had experienced a wet dream as much as 70,6 %, of respondents normal respondents status and changes in the sound that is as much as 64,7 %, nutritional status and the respondents had experienced normal pimpled face as much as 70,6 %. Results of analysis show that there is a connection between exogen factors (education, income and nutritional status) with the development of secondary sexual.
Conclusion of this research that SLTP Negeri 5 Lahat District respondents parent education level, income level and nutritional status related with normal secondary sexual development. Suggestions for SLTP Negeri 5 Lahat District most teenagers have already SLTP with counseling on how subjects included biological materials on reproductive health so that they can avoid the influence of the negative-for example sex free, dido adolescents, napza and others.

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