Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Correlation Of Nutrient Status, Education, Knowledge To Occurrence Of Diarrhea Disease At The Children Under Five Years In The Public Health

In Clinical Causes Of diarrhea can be Grouped in 6 Big factions are caused by infectin, malabsorbsi, Allergic, poisoned, deficiency of immunity and the other caused and influenced by several factors, one of them is Nutrient condition The Indonesia’s Nutrient in year 2008 predicted about 25 % of Indonesia’s children got less Nutrient 7 % of then got bad nutrient. The risk of threatening disease at children especially at children under five years base on who report that the result of household survey mortality caused by diarrhea predicted get decreasing although the number of morality caused by diarrhea has decreased the number of disease caused by diarrhea still high. In Indonesia the Number of disease caused at all groups of age at this time is 280/1000 people .at groups of children under five years (Balita) episode of diarrhea is 1,5 times per a Year.
This research has goal to know the correlation of nutrient status , education, knowledge to accurrence of diarrhea disease at children under five years (Balita) in the publi healt center (Puskesmas) Ngulak, Subdistrict Sanga, regency of Musi Banyuasin in Year 2009. This research designed with aprroach of analytic survey and this research design is cross sectinol that is the research design is cross sectional that is the research conducted at once time t nutrient status and other factors have correlation to occurrence of diarrhea disease in the public health center (Puskesmas) Ngulak, Subdistrict Sanga, regency of Musi Bayuasin in year 2009 with using ά significant test by test of CHI – Square ά = 5%
From this research indicate that the children under five years (Balita) get less Nutrient do not Become the factor of risk of diarrhea disease, at the low educated mother and the less knowledge able mother become the factor of riskto occurrence of diarrhea disease at the children under five years (Balita) and there is correlation of Nutrient status to occurrence of diarrhea disease at the children under five years (Balita) P value (0,002), thee is correlation between the mother’s knowledgeable with the occurrence of diarrhea disease at the children under five years (Balita) P value (0,000) and thee is correlation between the mother’s education with the occurrence of diarrhea disease at the children under five years (Balita) P Value (0,010).
To increase knowledge and motivate the mothers to use the public health center (Puskesmas), The Village health post (Puskesdes) and the other public health center which supporting by doing a united counseling completed By posters and leaflets so that the mother realize that so important to keep in health of the children under five years (Balita) and know how to.

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