Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Factors Associated With Hypertension Disloyalty Treatment People in Hospital Muhammadiyah Palembang

According to WHO data from 50% of hypertension is known that only 25% get treatment, and only 12.5% are treated well. According Sarafino stated that 20% the number of people to stay in the hospital's disloyalty to the patient treatment rules. Hypertension can be prevented if the actual regular people in treatment and does not know himself hypertension have a blood pressure check before. This disease can attack anyone from different age groups and socio-economic groups.
This study aims to determine the Factors Associated With Hypertension disloyalty treatment People in Hospital Muhammadiyah Palembang. This research is a descriptive analytical approach using a cross-sectional, with the number of sample respondents and 66 using systematic random sampling technique. Methods of data analysis using univariat and bivariat analysis, statistical test used was the Fhiser Exact Test.
From the results of the research note is significant relationship between age (p-value = 0,022), knowledge (p-value = 0,014), attitude (p value = 0004), perceptions (p-value = 0,026), family support (p value = 0,019) disloyalty to the treatment of hypertension.
Based on this research, many people with hypertension who have the age, knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and a lack of family support in treatment efforts in compliance, it is suggested that people with hypertension could increase compliance in the treatment and to the hospital so that more attention and give advice to people with hypertension

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